If you have missed any of the sermons at SGBC, or wish to go back and listen again, you can catch up right here. Use the menus just above to search by sermon series, books of the Bible, speaker or date.
All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
Disciples Who Make Disciples – The Great Commission
Ben finishes our series on discipleship by exploring the Great Commission from the perspective of Genesis and the search for a wife for Isaac.
Disciples Who Make Disciples – Who Do What We Believe
At the beginning of this New Year, Chris continues with our disciples who make disciples series. This Sunday, we are challenged to consider how to become people who do what we believe.
Disciples Who Make Disciples – Harvest
Disciples Who Make Disciples – Our Minds
Intimacy and Awe – The Mystery of Prayer
In our final Sunday exploring the intimacy and awe of prayer, Chris Justice preaches on the mystery of prayer.
Intimacy and Awe – Deepening Prayer
How can we deeper in prayer? Today we explore what it means to seek God’s face in prayer, and ways to go deep in prayer.
Intimacy and Awe – Desiring Prayer
The first in our series on prayer. Over the next two months we will be exploring how we can go deeper into prayer, address difficult questions about prayer and build a praying community. Today Louise asks the question – why pray?
The Best of Friends – Wider Friendship Circles
Part of our Best of Friends teaching series, Louise talks about the blessings of having a wide network of friends and shares the beautiful image from the book of Revelation of the church consisting of people from all nations and tribes. Lydia then shares a great example of this from her recent…
The Best of Friends – Close Friends
Jesus had many friends and within his friendship circle he had close friends. Today we think about the implications, benefits and challenges of making and sustaining close friendships.
Easter Sunday 2024
Our All Age Easter Service 2024 considers how the first Easter Sunday was no ordinary day – it was an extraordinary day.