Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

This ‘Psalm’ was written by the congregation at the morning service, 29th July 2018 led by the Stable Lane Housegroup. The service focused on Psalms 149 and 150. We heard a reading of Psalm 150 from the NIV bible and a modern rewriting of Psalm 149. We were then invited to write a simple ‘praise phrase’ or exhortation. These were collated and reproduced as below:

Praise God’s greatness; might and majesty.
Praise Him for the wonder of creation, a positive reminder of His awe.
Praise Him for the refreshing rain, for the cool refreshing wind,
for night-time and the moon.
For sunlight sparkling on raindrops on flowers and the constant of the rainbow, for the allotments and the veg.
How great is God! He brings back life to the ground so that all living things praise the Lord.
Praise Him in the wild harsh city. Praise Him in the soft, sweet nature.
Praise Him everywhere, even at the dentist.
Praise Him in the garage doing those manly jobs.
Praise Him when the lights are red or when they are green.
Praise the Lord, for His timing is perfect! His love is unconditional and everlasting.
He is there in the good times and in the difficult times, in sickness and in health, feel the true joy of the Lord, for He is always there.
Praise Him for His love, His mercy, His forgiveness, His protection, His faithfulness;
Rejoice over Him who answers prayer!
Praise the Lord who fills the hole of separation in your heart.
Praise Him, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Praise Him for our amazing bodies, and all the gifts He has given us throughout our lives.
Praise Him for family and community;
So praise His quiet voice, and shout His praise.
Praise Him on the saxophone, praise Him with laughter;
Let every sound, every movement, praise the Lord.
Put your hope in God, for He is your saviour,
Sing when the day is bright, sing through the darkest night,
let us sing; sing; sing;
Sing His praise forever.


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