Sermons on 1 Thessalonians

Sermons on 1 Thessalonians

40th Anniversary: faith, love and hope

On 8th November 2020 we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the current church building. The recording starts with a few recollections of the events of the late 1970’s based around the six photographs below. Then we were delighted to welcome one of our former pastors, Barry Cheesman, who spoke about the importance of faith, love and hope in the life of the church…


On the first Sunday of the year Andrew spoke about ambition and contrasted selfish ambition with Godly ambition. He reminded us of the three times that Paul mentions his ambitions in his letters: to share the Gospel with those who haven’t heard it; to live to please Jesus; to live a life that points others towards God. Andrew starts by reading from Philippians…