We love to welcome families with babies, young children and toddlers.
We have the following events:
SPARKS – Sundays
On those Sundays when the church meets altogether, the children have their own group, SPARKS, whilst their parents can take part in the main church gathering. See here for details of those Sundays when the church meets together or contact us for more details.
Fun and Faith – Sunday’s 9.15 am.
A Sunday gathering aimed at families with 0–7-year-olds which meets on the fourth Sunday of the month during term time. Come and enjoy a croissant fuelled. Bible based. 30-minute family faith adventure. A space to explore faith together in a relaxed and fun environment.

EXPLORE Church – Sundays
An all-age gathering, typically on a Sunday afternoon and often outside. A chance to meet together, have fun, and explore what faith means. EXPLORE Church meets twice a term.

See here for details of the next meeting.
In addition, EXPLORE Church meets for special events like EXPLORE Christmas and EXPLORE Easter.
Baby Group – Mondays 10.00am to 11.30am

Little Blessings – Wednesdays 9.30am to 11.15am

Please contact Janna on 07764 490960 or Ann Jordan on 01494 674399 for more details.
Who Let the Dad’s Out?
WLTDO runs six or seven times a year on a Saturday morning from 9.30-11.30 with Bacon butties. It is for dads, grand-dads and male carers and their 0-7 year old offspring.
Contact Janna on 07764 490960 for more details.